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Turn visitors into readers

Use A.I to help your audience better discover books on your website

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Our product

A search bar

An  interactive & 
personalized experience

There are books for every interest, mood, and moment.

But can your readers find them in your catalog?

Use Showcase to replace lifeless search bars with fun, intuitive, inspiring, and engaging discovery journeys.

Try with your book catalogue

Our product

A static book database

An A.I. powered
recommendation engine

Our tools use the power of semantic search and A.I. to represent the full richness of your catalog, from the frontlist to backlist.

Showcase allows you to provide highly-personalized book recommendations to your web visitors for better conversion.

Unlock the power of semantic search

Your benefits



Interactive content (like quizzes or clickable photos) multiplies the click-through rate by three.

Source: Bambuser

Marketing intelligence


Data-driven organisations are 23 times more likely to acquire customers 
(and 6 times as likely to retain them).

Source: McKinsey



The percentage of consumers more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalized experiences.

Source: Epsilon

Marketing intelligence


Companies using A.I. for sales and marketing increased leads by over 50%, and achieved cost reductions of 40-60%.

Source: Forbes